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Saturday, 1 March 2014

"You should be perfect as your heavenly father is perfect"(Matthew 5:48)

In the passage, Christ calls us to perfection. He cites our father in heaven as the epitome of perfection. From many pastors and interpreters of the 'Word' what I've come to understand about this passage is that we should fight our human weaknesses like lying, lust, greed, and a lot more other vices. Thinking deep about Christ's statement, a question arises from within the recesses of our minds "Does Christ imply that 'We are not Perfect?'. In the book of Genesis in the Bible, after the creation, God looked up and saw that All he created was 'Good'. Secondly, he created them in his own 'Image'. 'Good' and 'Image' here represents Perfection.
Another noteworthy point is the rising craze in fashion. Today, any craze idea counts as fashion. People are increasingly going to the plastic surgeons' for various reasons like getting implants, transplants, skin bleaching, and the most recent and on the increase: Sex change. The question here becomes 'Are our craze for fashion(which includes the surgery craze, use of beauty products, wearing of clothes we feel makes us beautiful) in line with Christ's commandfor perfection?' In 1 Corinthians 6:19, St. Paul reminds us that "Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit" and therefore we are to take special care of our bodies. 
Question: Does that mean that when we take 'Special care' of our bodies that we are obeying the words in the Bible? (Special care applies to surgery craze, use of beauty products,implants etc)


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